interface and application programming:

  • individual project

    write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

  • group prject: compare as many tool options as possible
  • interface and application programming

    For tis section i decided to do a simole interfacing usine available devices on my disposal list of component that i decided to use on this part include:

  • arduino uno
  • Light emitting diode
  • bluetooth module hc 05/06
  • Android phone,(any will do )
  • i decide to use the above since they were available at the time i was doing this part of the course


    Using bluetooth communication protocal, i decided to try this communication protocal and use opens source application to test the whole set up, using the following illustration for connection the connecting part of this part was not that hard it was strait forward for i just included the connection of two components to the breadboard


    I had a challenge writing code n this part hence decided to go simple and simple code looked like so

    how it works illustration diagram for the whole set up and that helped me write the code

    program files


    after uploading the code to arduino the next step is to get the interface the app to switch the LED on and Off

    there are some app to enable this but this is what i decided to go with

    the link for downloading the app:
